Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Happy First Anniversary

Today marks the first anniversary of my blog.  I have had a lot of fun sharing my tales of woe and humiliation with you, and I hope that you got a chuckle or two from them.  Most of all, I hope that, by sharing my private missteps with you, you have felt some community with me.  The world is vast and people remarkably diverse, yet no matter who or where we may be, we tend to stumble in similar ways from love, inattention, pride, and naivete.  Our mistakes can bring us closer.

To celebrate the occasion, I put together a short compilation of posts.  They are not necessarily the best written, the most painful, or the funniest -- I just like them.
Thank you everyone for reading my blog!  Please remember, if you have a story of moron tax or any ideas, please share them!  I am very excited to hear more from you in the coming year.

- Wendy


  1. Oh, my favorite posts are the Fool for Love: Subway and Love Goggles editions! The post about George was also very funny...

  2. Thanks so much! I suspect you get the most laughs out of those two posts, because you relate to them. You and I have shared many pitiful and embarrassing hours crying over men we were better off without.
